High school to return April 12th to 5 day a week, in person instruction
The school committee voted in favor tonight of returning high school students to 5 day a week in person instruction by a vote of 4 to 3. The committee Chair Kim Savery, who said she was "torn" changed her vote to a yes after voting no on the same motion two weeks ago.
Savery added, "the sooner the better...let's just get going."
Unlike two weeks ago, Superintendent Christopher Campbell did not make a specific recommendation for a particular return date, but presented three possible return dates of April 12, April 26 or May 3rd.
"Why don't we bring them back at the most advantageous date...we should do it our way and do it right?"
Committee Member Robert Morgan
A return to 5 day a week, in person instruction on April 12th, the beginning of the term, would provide 45 in person days for high school students, with 30 days for seniors.
Committee Member Dr. James Sorensen, who voted in favor of 5 day return two weeks ago noted, "you can find data to support any position.. the science is dynamic."
"Why don't we bring them back at the most advantageous date...we should do it our way and do it right?" asked Committee Member Robert Morgan.
Previously the committee approved sending elementary and middle school students 5 days a week in person instruction. Elementary students returned today, middle school opens to five days a week on April 12th.
Savery, Morgan, Sorensen and Burgess voted yes. Badger, Lacombe-Heywood and Pizano voted no.
"It's one thing to fall behind in Algebra. It's another to contract a serious illness that will follow you for the rest of your life," said Committee Member Michelle Badger who voted no.
"By the 26th, we can assume teachers will be fully vaccinated...the risk of life weighs heavily," said Committee Member Vedna Lacombe-Heywood who also voted no.