Parking enforcement begins May 28
The White Horse Beach now requires "a Resident Beach Sticker in order to legally park".
From the Town's Facebook page:
-FY2022 Resident Beach Stickers are not on sale yet and, when available, sales are ON LINE ONLY.
-The Long Beach 4x4 and Resident Beach Stickers will go on sale the first week of May ON LINE ONLY.
-Many streets near White Horse Beach now require a Resident Beach Sticker in order to legally park*
-Parking Enforcement throughout Town begins on Friday, May 28, 2021.
*White Horse Beach Guest Parking Passes and See Map Attached Guest Parking Passes will ONLY be provided to WHB Parking District Residents who live on the following 15 streets - Abington, Thomas, Williams, Homer, Taylor, Beach, Asiaf, Elm, Pearl, Hilltop, Diamond Street, Sycamore Terrace, Pine Street, Hemlock, Highland Terraceā. These Guest Parking Passes are only provided with purchase of a Resident Beach Sticker. These Guest Parking Passes will ONLY be valid in the White Horse Beach District in those parking spots where a Resident Beach Sticker is required.